Amua clinics

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Afya bora. Amua Leo.

Amua is a social franchise of Marie Stopes with a network of over 100 clinics spread across Kenya.

Our Amua clinics promote the well- being of the undeserved by providing access to quality reproductive healthcare for all regardless of location or ability to pay.

Why choose us

We are committed to making quality reproductive healthcare that is focused on your needs more accessible.

At our Amua clinics we guarantee you an excellent healthcare experience at a very affordable price. But what truly sets us apart is our strong belief in offering services of exceptional quality that meet the global standards. Our network of 100 clinics is also spread allover Kenya thus bringing our services closer to you.

Services you can access at our Amua clinics

Maternity services

We’ll support you throughout your pregnancy journey, helping to keep you and your baby safe.

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Services available

Obstetrician/Gynaecologist Services

We offer a range of detailed and complex gynecological services to meet the healthcare needs.

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Services available

Pregnancy crisis management

We offer pregnancy advice and services that reduce the risk of complications from miscarriage or incomplete abortion.

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Services available

STI screening and treatment

Screening and treatment to keep your reproductive system healthy, including STI testing and treatment, cervical cancer screening, fertility counselling and gynaecology consultations.

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Services available

Services for men

We offer a range of services designed especially for men, including vasectomies and health checks.

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Services available

What to expect

Amua clinics are partial franchises owned and operated privately while in agreement with Marie Stoes Kenya to ensure quality provision of certain targeted services.

Our Amua clinics aim to offer you and your loved ones quality and affordable reproductive healthcare. The clinics are designed to make you feel welcome irrespective of your background.

Our well trained service providers are here to make individuals, couples and families work towards happier , healthier and more fulfilling sexual lives. 

Tunza afya yako, tunza jamii yako kwa maisha bora.

Other ways to access our services

Marie Stopes Kenya operates in every single region of the country, delivering services and information to the country’s underserved communities in a number of different ways.

Our clinics

We currently operate 14 clinics across Kenya. These centres provide quality, voluntary family planning services and a full range of other sexual reproductive health services.

Mobile outreach

Our mobile outreach teams each comprise of skilled nurses, a care assistant and a doctor to offer permanent family planning methods such as tubal ligation..

Contact Centre

Our contact centre offers free consultation with a trained medical professional over the phone and a portfolio of products aimed at reducing maternal mortalities caused by unsafe abortions.