Marie Stopes Kenya

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Since 1985, Marie Stopes Kenya (MSK) has been an integral component of the health systems in Kenya, providing high quality and affordable sexual and reproductive health care.

Through social marketing, MSK continues to position itself among market leaders in SRH supported by its core brands Misoclear (misoprostol) and Mariprist (an oral combination of mifepristone and misoprostol).​

The commercial sales channel distributes these products nationally through pharmacy distributors and direct sales to registered retail pharmacies, private clinics, MSK centres and social franchisees.


3 For prevention of postpartum haemorrhage

• Misoclear is safe and effective when used according to instructions

• Each tablet contains 200mcg misoprostol

• Misoprostol is used by doctors in over 50 countries

• Always use the correct dose, as incorrect dosing can lead to complications


Mariprist is a prescription-only, high quality, effective and proven Medical Abortion combination pack containing one tablet of mifepristone 200mg & 4 tablets of misoprostol 200mcg for 100% accurate dispensing & dosing.  This mifepristone + misoprostol combination is the WHO-recommended MA regimen and up to 98% effective when used according to instructions.