Public Sector Strengthening (PSS)

Towards the end of 2019, Marie Stopes Kenya launched the PSS channel, to add to its existing of service delivery channels. Although new to MSK, the channel is already in operation in other MSI country programs.

The channel aims to build on the strengths and experience of the traditional channels i.e. Outreach, Social Franchise, Centres and Commercial Sales, while leveraging new opportunities in the domestic health financing space to facilitate capacity building of MOH staff to enhance the provision of accessible quality SRH services and information. This will be done through a transfer of skills to Ministry of Health staff to maintain sustainable, reliable service delivery.
The channel focuses on the following services:
- FP: Long and short term family planning
- PAC – Post-abortion care
- Cervical cancer screening & treatment.
- Training of service providers (private & public).
- Demand generation.
- Youth targeted services.
The value proposition to the public facilities includes capacity building through training to offer all forms of modern FP, infection prevention, client counseling and consent, medical emergency management, commodity management and provision of youth friendly services among others, joint support supervision, data management and reporting, advocacy and demand generation support. The channel currently has 204 sites spread across 24 counties.